How to utilize new technology to help nurses better understand patients’ perspectives?
Utilizing virtual reality by allowing healthcare professionals to see through the eyes of the patients, we ultimately aim to create a more empathetic and sympathetic patient experience.
Why AHN wants to improve patient experience?
Allegheny Health Network(AHN) plans to improve the score of HCAHPS, which is a patient satisfaction survey required by CMS for all hospitals in the United States. The reason why this form is important is that the results directly impact a healthcare organization’s reputation and the reimbursement provided by the government.
A large part of the scoring content on HCAHPS depends on the patient’s satisfaction with the healthcare professionals. In this case, The Patient Experience Team from AHN plans to explore an innovative method, interactive VR experience, to help nurses/healthcare professionals better understand patients’ needs.
Understand real context
How can we know the current pattern of interaction between nurses and patients?
To learn more about the interactions between nurse and patient and positioning and in-depth understanding of user groups, We visited Allegheny General Hospital. We shadowed nurses to observe and take notes.
User Analysis
Basic information and collected for our users
From observation of onsite visiting and random interviews with healthcare professionals at the hospital, we analyzed data and information and found that most healthcare professionals didn’t have VR experience. In this case, we need to create our product more intuitively to satisfy all people in the hospital.
Take notes
What did we find from this onsite visit?
The nurses introduced us to their work process, including the handover of work when nurses change shifts, the tools used to record patient information, and the preparations before the rounds.
We shadow nurses and observed the interaction between them and the patient, such as asking about the patient’s daily situation and information during the rounds, how to deal with the patient in urgent need, and the interaction between nurses and other nurses in the hospital.
Let's summarize the observation of onsite visiting!
User Research-Phone Interview
In-depth understanding of product users
We want to dive deeper to understand what nurses think about their work. We also want to know what the previously hospitalized patients feel about their medical experience during their stay. In this case, we take phone interviews with previously hospitalized patients scattered around different parts of the States and AHN on-the-job nurses.
Insight from patients and nurse interviews
Affinity Diagram
Synthesized data we collected. Draw an affinity diagram!
Four factors mainly influence us to build this product, Patient, Nurse, System, and Communication.
Visualize all people who might influence this project.
The highest priority is the patient group and AHN hospital. Then are the federal department and other healthcare providers. It helps us to know the involvement and communication between these groups before design ideation.
Explore New Possibility-STAR center visiting
Explore the new focus of our project based on the existing training system
We found that STAR Center has a complete and refined physical training system. To be more specific, they have various platforms to help nurses to simulate varied scenarios. Under this circumstance, we have to focus more on mental perspectives, like building empathy and cultivate communications.
Design Strategy
After several rounds of discussions with stakeholders, we finally decided to design a VR product with a general storyline that can satisfy all groups at the hospital and follow their C.A.R.E. model which is a general working standard for all healthcare professionals at the hospital, as well as using generic setting to simulate real context in hospital.
UI Design-Bed-shift whiteboard
From pen and pad to Hi-fi
The bed-shift whiteboard is very important for us to insert in our product because it can help healthcare professionals record patient’s updated information for shifted nurses. Also, it is a bridge between the nurse and the patient/patient’s family. Patients and their families can leave questions or comments on the board to communicate with the nurse, which is a method for promoting communication.
UI on VR platform
From lo-fi to Hi-fi
There are three main types of interaction ways for users to experience our VR product. We use hand trackers to enable users to pick some options. We utilize the feature of the headset to let players move left and right to adjust the slider. Also, users can move the headset up and down to select options.
Poster & Logo & Half-sheet